Architects: Dionisis Sotovikis, Kirki Mariolopoulou | Collaborating architects: Elias Romanas, Stylianos Axiotakis, Mirto Angelopoulou | Structural Engineer: Christos Papadopoulos |2010
Can two architects design their homes autonomously, preserving their own architectural
The small residence expands vertically, distorts, while incubating another residence which is floating
consciousnesses and at the same time aspire to their harmonious coexistence? That was the
within it. The uses are divided as the two residences become one unified building. At the same time,
challenge and the question to be answered in the design and study process of the two
an intermediate space is formed in between the two that gains a specific importance. Balancing
houses that would finally be united! Initially the creation of the first house begins,
within this void, one can understand the depth and the height, touch the two buildings and sense
the outer shell and later on a second house is interweaved within it.
their relationship.